Digital Eye Strain Awareness: Tips for Reducing Screen Time Fatigue

Digital Eye Strain Awareness: Tips for Reducing Screen Time Fatigue

Many people from all walks of life spend hours looking at a digital screen. If you are dealing with eye strain or are looking for an eye doctor in the Riverdale, GA, area, our friendly and professional team at F & M Family Eye Care is here to help you. Visit us for eye care from an “optometrist near me.”

Tips for Reducing Digital Eye Strain

Also referred to as computer vision syndrome - digital eye strain can be unforgettable and interrupt your work day. The good news is there are also some steps you take to help reduce digital eye strain.

Monitor Your Time

The most helpful action we can take to reduce screen time fatigue, of course, is limiting or minimizing our time on our devices. For activities other than work-related and necessary use, it can help to use other activities to fill your down and leisure time.

Take Breaks

One common suggestion is giving your eyes a break. The general guide is about 15 minutes of rest (away from the computer) for every two hours of screen time. Another guideline to help with eye strain is the 20-20-20 rule. The idea is to look away from your screen every 20 minutes, for 20 seconds, to focus on an object or scene at least 20 feet away.


If you are squinting to see your screen or squinting to see past the glare coming off it, then you should adjust your screen or your position. Bad lighting will only add to your eye strain.

Get Eye Care and Eye Strain Relief from an Optometrist Near You

If you live in the Riverdale, GA, area and have eye care concerns or would like to visit an eye doctor, our caring and professional team at F & M Family Eye Care can help. Contact us to see how we can help with computer vision syndrome and schedule an appointment today. Call us at (770) 996-3495 for eye care and eye strain relief from an “optometrist near me.”

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