Sports and Eye Safety: Essential Tips for Spring Activities

Sports and Eye Safety: Tips for Spring Activities

Spring is the perfect time to get your kids into baseball, track and field, tennis, and other sports. While developing your child’s love for sports can improve their long-term health, you should also be wary of potential eye injuries. At F & M Family Eye Care, we can work closely with kids and parents to prevent eye injuries from playing sports. Visit our clinic in Riverdale, GA, if you’re seeking children eye care.

Children eye care focused on injury prevention can be useful for kids getting into sports. Follow the tips detailed in this article to potentially better help protect your kid’s eye health.

Schedule Regular Appointments with an Eye Doctor

Keeping your child’s eyes healthy may require professional assistance. Take your child in for an initial consultation before they start playing sports so an optometrist on our team can examine his vision to check if it could cause problems during games. To keep an track on his eye health, it may be a good idea to continue to schedule these appointments into the future.

Teach Your Child to Play Safely

Some kids can get reckless while playing sports. They might not think through running as fast as they can or diving all over the place. Because of how reckless they can sometimes be, they may be more susceptible to eye injuries.

Tell your child to be more careful while playing so he can avoid injury. Remind your child to avoid roughhousing so he doesn’t put his eyes in danger. You should also discourage him from touching his eyes while playing as it can lead to eye infections.

Encourage Your Child to Wear Protective Eyewear

Lastly, consider securing protective eyewear for your child. Accidents can happen while your child is playing sports, particularly certain sports, which can easily lead to significant injuries. Make sure your child has the proper equipment before playing by consulting an eye doctor on our team.

Get Protective Eyewear and Children Eye Care from an Optometrist Near You

Keep your child’s eyes healthy by working with us at F & M Family Eye Care. We can offer preventative care and address different issues affecting your child’s vision. Contact us today or visit our Riverdale, GA, location to learn more about our services. Call us at (770) 996-3495 for protective eyewear and children eye care from an optometrist near you.

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