Dry Eye Relief During Winter

Dry Eye Relief during Winter

Many wonderful things happen during the winter, including holidays, fun in the snow, and curling up by the fireplace. Unfortunately, it also brings about plenty of opportunities for dry eye syndrome. In this guide, our team at F & M Family Eyecare share the causes of dry eye in the winter and the steps to help prevent it. An “optometrist near me” is here to help.

What Causes Dry Eye in the Winter?

There are a few contributing factors, most of which are directly related to the weather. Outside, the air has humidity low, and that dry air tends to blow a great deal. Inside, people are blasting their heaters, which leads to more dry air.

Dry Eye Prevention in the Winter

There’s not much you can do about the weather, but there are a few steps you can take to reduce or eliminate your dry eye syndrome symptoms. Below are some dry eye prevention tips.

Wear Sunglasses

Wintertime might not seem like the time to wear sunglasses, but it’s an important step. In addition to protecting your eyes from UV rays and glare, sunglasses can also help keep the wind and other winter elements out of your eyes.

Add Moisture

Using a humidifier indoors can help keep your eyes moisturized.

Artificial Tears

Artificial tears can help keep your eyes moisturized indoors and outdoors. If OTC eye drops aren’t helping, look for our “optometrist near me” for prescription help.

Give Your Eyes a Rest

Take breaks from digital screens, as looking at screens may prevent you from blinking often enough.

Get Dry Eye Prevention and Artificial Tears from an Eye Doctor for Dry Eye Syndrome

Let our eye doctor at F & M Family Eyecare in Riverdale, GA, help you prevent dry eyes this winter by calling (770) 996-3495 for an appointment. An “optometrist near me” is here to help.

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